
Father Abraham Fischer OSB

Bild eines Experten - Father Abraham Fischer OSB

Father Abraham Fischer OSB has been involved with the KLOSTERLAND association for many years. Already back in 2014, he participated in our first “exchange between monasteries and the world”, as an expert he mentored one of the student projects at the University of Hildesheim, he was part of the expert jury for our CraftBeer and, in 2020, was elected to the advisory board by our members. Since then, he has been writing very personal articles for the association about his life as a monk and joined Martin Erdmann and Lara Buschmann for a talk in the podcast.





Expert for…

Multi-talented Father Abraham Fischer is not only a monk and a priest, but also a master blacksmith and head of the abbey forge. Many metal works such as grave steles, crosses and church furnishings are based on his designs. He was prior and economist of the abbey, as well as its chief caretaker. As a gifted organist, he was substantially involved in the planning of the new abbey church organ. He loves orchids, scented geraniums and beautiful crystals, and he is an enthusiast of Richard Wagner’s operas.

Inhalte von diesem Experten


AbteiWaren Königsmünster GmbH

Klosterberg 11

59872 Meschede