
Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus

Bild eines Experten - Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus

Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus has been a member of the advisory board of KLOSTERLAND e.V. since 2020 and has supported the association as an expert for many years.

Vita of Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus

Harald Schwillus studied Catholic theology, classical philology, philosophy and German philology in Würzburg, Berlin, Rome and Bamberg. In 1991, he received his doctorate in church history from the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and, in 2003, habilitated in religious education at the University of Bamberg. In Berlin, he worked as a teacher at a grammar school and at a specialist seminar for teacher training. In addition, he was a lecturer at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin and at the Free University of Berlin. Since 2005, he has held the professorship for religious education at the Institute for Catholic Theology and its Didactics at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. He is a member of the advisory board of Klosterland e.V. and of the scientific advisory committee of the European network FRH (Future for Religious Heritage).

In his research he focuses on the communication of religion and theology in society, on education and religion, spiritual tourism, the history of Cistercian orders, on monasteries and their gardens.

Expert for…

Prof. Dr Harald Schwillus is an expert in theology, religious education, church history, spiritual tourism, museums, monastery gardens, cultural tourism, communication, as well as the Cistercians.