
Norbert Kannowsky
Expert in real estate management, forest management, funding structures at the state, federal and EU levels.
Alexander von Hahn is member of various European networks. He is the private owner of the former Benedictine abbey of Zscheiplitz.
Owner im Zscheiplitz Benedictine Abbey
After a period as personal assistant for international cooperation for the Estonian President Rüütel and the financial management of the first Russian-Swiss joint venture ABB UNITURBO, Alexander von Hahn for almost a decade headed the Moscow office of Europe Capital Management a.s. – one of Russia’s most successful private equity firms.
After retiring from banking in 2002, he ran an independent wealth management firm in London and subsequently a public and government relations consultancy in Berlin, advising clients from Russia, states of the former Soviet Union, Germany on all aspects of wealth and reputation management.
An avid speaker and writer, Alexander von Hahn regularly writes for leading Russian, European and US publications and online media, including Kommersant (Коммерсантъ), The Washington Post, Le Monde, The Guardian, Corriere della Sera, The New York Times (Russian language supplement), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and The Art Newspaper.
Alexander von Hahn is a member of various trans-national networks such as FRAS, the German National ICOMOS Committee and expert member of ICOMOS ICTC.
Expert in real estate management, forest management, funding structures at the state, federal and EU levels.
Expert for religious communities, ecclesial movements, spirituality and youth ministry.
Expert for gardening in the city (kitchen gardens / flower gardens / raised-bed gardening), the site-appropriate use of plants, native plants, the diversity of species…
Expert on history and Cistercian nunneries.