
Dr. Johanna Pointke

Bild eines Experten - Dr. Johanna Pointke

Börstel Abbey is a member of KLOSTERLAND. Dr. Johanna Pointke is the representative for Börstel in the association on behalf of the abbess.

Vita von Dr. Johanna Pointke

Dr. Johanna Pointke was born in Bielefeld in 1951. Her life has been shaped by continuously and simultaneously pursuing her education and practical work. Consequently, the professional life of the trained seamstress grew towards educational and pedagogical fields of work. Before her retirement, Johanna Pointke worked as an occupational teacher in the workshop for people with disabilities at the Lebenshilfe Bielefeld e.V. In 2005, she was accepted as a canon in the secular abbey of Börstel (Lower Saxony), where she now holds the office of senior (deputy to the abbess). In addition, she then trained as a spiritual director. In 2021, she completed her doctorate at the University of Osnabrück with the thesis “From Aristocratic Rule to Ecumenical Community. The chapter of the secular abbey of Börstel in the 20th century until the acceptance of the statutes in 1956 and the subsequent development until today”.

Expert for…

Johanna Pointke is an expert on abbey chapters, Cistercian convents in Northwest Germany, women’s education and the Reformation.


Stift Börstel

Börstel 3a

49626 Berge OT Stift Börstel

