
The garden of quiet sounds

Habent sua fata et horti – Gardens, too, have their fate. This thoughtful, somewhat transformed aphorism came to my mind when I visited the abbey…

Gottsuche Klostergärten Klosterkultur Landwirtschaft Schöpfung Spiritualität Zisterzienser


History of the monastery garden

Monastery gardens have changed over the centuries, which makes it difficult to gain a historical perspective on gardens that no longer exist, such as those…

Klostergärten Klosterkultur Klosterlandschaft Landwirtschaft


The Christian Garden in Berlin-Marzahn

With its artistic and symbolic design, the Christian garden in Berlin-Marzahn is reminiscent of the typical layout of a medieval monastery garden. This inspired our…

Gottsuche Klostergärten Klosterkultur Spiritualität


Monastery gardens as working spaces and symbolic sites

Centuries ago, in a harsh natural environment, monks created fertile fruit, tree and herb gardens in their monastery complexes. The arrangement of individual garden areas…


Monastery gardens as working spaces and symbolic sites

Gärten sind vielgestaltige Bilder. Als populäres Bild ist spätestens seit dem 19. Jahrhundert nachweisbar, dass die Tätigkeit der Mönche mit der Schaffung eines Gartens verglichen…



From the very beginning, the network partners and subsequent founding members of the association had the clear goal of not being completely dependent on subsidies…

Ausstellungen Bier Kultur Marketing Ornamente Produkte



Since monastic life is a conscious and organised one, it cannot be conceived without education. And here, monastic education is to be understood in a…

Bildung Geschichte Gottsuche Klosterkultur Kultur Literatur Wissen



Monastic life finds its motivation in the search for God, in the religious service and in the service to the community. For this purpose, an…

Klosterkultur Religion Spiritualität



Since their foundation, monasteries are more or less self-reliant economic enterprises. Already the Benedictine Rule stipulated that, as far as possible, all workshops and facilities…

Alltag Benedikt Klosterkultur KlosterundWelt Landwirtschaft Megatrends Produkte Wirtschaft

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